Monday, October 26, 2015

Thank you Happy Family Brands!

Today we began learning about our bodies and how we can stay healthy.  One way to keep our bodies healthy and happy to is make candy (and other sugary treats) a sometimes food and try to eat more fruits and vegetables as all the time foods! To help us learn that healthy foods can taste yummy, different companies sent us healthy snacks to try!

Today we got to try Apple, peach, pumpkin, and cinnamon sauce from Happy Family Brands  (  They can be found at King Soopers, Safeway, and Wal-Mart!  Here is what some of the kids had to say about it:
Ava- I like these a lot!
Jasper- Thank you for sending these to us!
Colten- Thank you for sending these so much.  Thank you and thank you!
Kailey- Thank you! And Yum!
Luke- Thank you! This is delicious!
Aubrey- Thank you!
Connor- Thank you and these taste so good!
Toron- Thank you for letting us have these healthy treats for our class!  They taste fabulous!

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